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I am an industrial designer by training and have experienced several career changes since I started working in 1993. Many of my jobs have been in product development have required extensive travel both domestically and internationally. In 1999 I traded in my Nikon 35mm SLR kit for my first digital camera and started getting serious about digital photography. Now I have close to 90,000 photographs in my Lightroom library. I have decided to set up this blog to start sharing some of those photos and maybe tell some stories about my travels and whatever else seems worth sharing.

All photos on this site are my own unless specifically noted. I have decided to allow all of my photos to be shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Copyright license. What this means is that you can download and use any of my images for any purpose as long as you give me credit (attribution.) This includes uses for commercial purposes but does NOT allow you to sell any of my images or variations of my images. When using my images please use “Robert S. Donovan” for the attribution and link back to this website when possible.

Thanks for visiting my site! Feel free to follow me on Instagram, too.

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